I have written about redundancy of routine in past posts, but if we go outside to better ourselves and take care of our temples (a.k.a. our bodies), we do just that.
I enjoy delving deep into projects: party planning, making plans for the future, envisioning my next vacation. Don't get me wrong -- I love keeping busy and enjoy these things, but have come to realize my true intentions.
Personally, not "over-committing" is a challenge. Making time for myself and my priorities… what IS that? If I don't want to do something, I need to be honest with myself and the people I'm possibly letting down (empaths always think they are letting others down, even if they aren’t). We put a huge burden on ourselves with those expectations. Perhaps Sally won't even care I can't go to her nephew’s third birthday party. I'm sure her nephew won't even notice I'm not there!... I'm not saying I'm not reliable. I would never commit and not show. It's a huge pet peeve of mine. It’s actually my BIGGEST pet peeve. Rather than committing and not showing up, just speak your mind initially. If the people you love don’t understand, then perhaps you should re-evaluate the relationship.
I have spent most of my days trying to please others - always making sure everyone is happy without acknowledging why I'm doing it. Do you ever question why you do things for other people? Does it make you happy? Do you feel like you’re helping someone? I’m one to always volunteer first, but have I set my boundaries? I should think of these questions prior to saying “yes.” A Reiki practitioner once told me, “You give too much, don't you? You need to be less self-less and more self-full.” This resonated with me because giving can be epically depleting. We have to learn how to protect ourselves and create boundaries, especially so we don't get taken advantage of. Can you pinpoint a situation in which you felt you were giving too much and you needed to back down? Did you feel like you were under-appreciated and needed to pull back? Message me if you need to build on your boundaries or willingness to pull back from certain people in your life. Mahalo.