Written By: Colleen Nicole
Aside from a new wall calendar, the new year doesn't necessarily guarantee new beginnings. New beginnings start whenever we muster up the courage to let go. Whether we're holding on to old habits, beliefs, tendencies, or [insert as you wish] - we cannot start a new year truly anew if we are still holding on to the past. Much like showing up to the grocery store with a cart full of food from the last visit, how can you expect to have room for fresh food if you don't unload and sort out the old stash? Sure, certain things look fresh in the beginning (say, fruit for example), but if you don't eat them during the intended time period, they are likely to go bad and cause a greater mess for you to clean up later. Whether consuming the nutrients (lessons) or tossing the junk (burdens no longer serving you), sort them out and lighten the cart (the self). Moving forward entails self-reflection and modification as necessary. Not dealing with issues is like leaving your cart of groceries out to whither away and rot (and letting your hard-earned money go to waste in the process). The sooner you acknowledge your mental and emotional "grocery cart," the sooner you can clear away what's gone bad. Sound familiar?
We can't expect to bring in the new if we're not willing to show the universe we are willing to let go of the old. Sometimes it is only a matter of stepping back and realizing you might not always know what's best for you. We get so caught up in our ways of knowing best but it may or may not be a trick of the ego. Don't be fooled! Ignoring unresolved issues is like piling fresh fruits and veggies into a cart on top of moldy food. Yes, losing 10 pounds in the new year is a positive goal, but what about shedding weight emotionally/mentally/energetically? Focusing your energy on allowing your higher self to step in and take over may be enough to clear a whole lot of energetic smog holding you back and perhaps putting you on track to lose those 10 pounds.
It is perfectly normal to possess the desire for something new - a new job, a new hobby, a new workout plan, a fresh start...but we can't move forward until we deal with the issues in front of us. The longer we set things aside, the longer it will take to resolve. If you find yourself working from the outside in, try shifting your energy to work from the inside out. What good is a new car when you're out of gas? A quick (though not necessarily easy) way to break your cycle is try doing the opposite of what you would normally do. If you are struggling with a relationship or can't figure out how to improve a situation, reflect on your typical responses and consciously do something totally out of your norm. It may just surprise you. I struggle in relationships (romantic and otherwise) to speak my truth when something is bothering me. I used to internalize issues and try to deal with them on my own without communicating. I was so afraid of hurting people's feelings that I ended up just hurting myself. I realized this was a pattern for me that I wanted to change. I applied "do the opposite of what you would normally do," and when an issue came up, I simply talked about it openly instead of holding it in. Guess what? The sky didn't come tumbling down. By being honest and upfront with our feelings, it clears the way to closeness and intimacy with others and with ourselves. It also squashes any insecurities and anxieties at the source without letting things fester (cue rotting food image). If you don't feel comfortable talking out your issues, write them down. Sometimes just the process of releasing the emotions is all that is needed. Perhaps a new year's resolution may be to start a journal or a sketch book. If you are musically inclined, spend some time learning a new instrument. Any creative outlet is a productive way of self-expression and can be kept private. By expressing yourself, it clears the throat and heart chakras - an essential step of clearing out old emotional patterns.
Another good way to get started with letting go of old energy would be to smudge your home and work space. The places you spend the most time in retain the energy you carry with you. This energy remains stagnant until it is cleared out. Think of it as your energy field collecting dust (it will keep building up until you intervene with a Swiffer duster). Smudging is an ancient Native American ritual known as a "smoke bath" used to clear the air and aura. This can be done by burning sage, Palo Santo wood, or other natural herbs. Incense works too. If you're not into all the smoke, smudging materials are available in spray bottle form. I personally use both. The spray is good for work (because obviously I'm not trying to set off a smoke alarm and get fired), for inside your car, and for your aura. I prefer to burn sage at home because the smoke floats into all those hard-to-reach places. I also use Florida Water cologne every day to clear my chakras. The possibilities are endless. If these suggestions feel out of your comfort zone, you can skip the supplies and start by quiet meditation and prayer to cleanse your home. It all comes down to that anyway - by setting an intention to clear and bless your space. It may not sound like much, but the mind is a powerful thing.
So before trying to incorporate new things in the new year, start by releasing the old. Release, let go, and say "good riddance!" Make a conscious effort to hit the grocery store with an empty cart this year. As Marty McFly says, "If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything!" Mind over matter. If you are following your gut to set yourself on a new path, you can't go wrong.