When we give good energy, we get it back.
My motto is to keep life light. Part of that means being open to receiving, which has been an objective of mine this year.
When lying in Shavasana during yoga, I am reminded by my teachers to be open. I love the image as I lay there feeling the energy flowing into my left palm and up my arm (in Reiki, your left side is your receiving side and your right is your giving side). Just like trying to remember to be mindful, we must remind ourselves to remain open as well.
Being open to receiving means letting part of your guard down in order to let good things come to you. I like to think of it as a filter for energy, rather than letting an entire wall down. Envision your shield being sheer or translucent, and that energy flows in and outside of it. We constantly need shields for all the energy surrounding us - other’s energies, sounds, traffic - these can all be positive or negative. Don’t know how to create a shield? Pick a time of day (I always do it in the morning before I get out of bed to start my day off right). Envision a giant bubble or a big beam of light surrounding you (mine is usually white, gold or purple) and set an intention that no negative energy can get inside your bubble; even your own negative energy cannot get stuck inside. It flows out of your luminous armor, and only good energy is allowed in. You can also set an intention to raise your vibration and be of your highest self. I always ask for protection for the entire day as well (along with my family and friends!). Things aren’t going your way? Be open to the possibility that an opportunity is coming your way. Being positive is key to being open.
Being open also means you’re aware of your surroundings. I am most open when I can see fine details in beauty, especially in nature. Go outside and look deeply at things you see every day, even if you’re stuck in a concrete jungle. In what way are the tall buildings contrasted against the sky, or perhaps look into the deep grooves in the bark of a large tree in a park. When you stop and notice the beauty, you may surprise yourself. I was running in a state park last weekend and stopped for a brief second and looked to my left and spotted a doe eating leaves from a tree right across from me. I was taken aback. What a beautiful sight! Whatever higher power you believe in, know there is beauty in their creation. We are the lucky ones who get to see it. <3
Being aware of your surroundings = Beauty = Openness to the universe